Miss International Beauty Pageant 2024

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to Miss International official website.
Please take a moment to read the Community Guidelines


This website is to exchange information and news about Miss International. We may not be able to reply all comments or emails.

Exclusion Rule

All comments will not be deleted, however, if any of the following contents are contained.

  • Violates public order or morals
  • Identity fraud, fraud and any misleasding
  • Persoanal Information leak(E-mail、Address、Contact number, any other privacy)
  • Discriminating comments and abusive comments
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  • Commercial Act (PR and Sales)
  • Violates criminal law
  • Inappropriate content , including the obscene representation , etc.
  • Violates honor and trust
  • Any other innaproate contents judged by Miss International Organization
  • We are not responsible for any damge caused by this webiste
Policy Change

Policy will be changed without prior notice